Greenway Network

Great Western Greenway – Castlebar Network
45 km
National Museum–Lough Lannagh-Rehins Wood: 16 km
Castlebar to National Museum at Turlough: 10 km
Castlebar to Rehins Wood, Islandeady: 6 km
Islandeady–Westport: 13 km
Easy – Moderate
Minimal gradient
Lough Lannagh Carpark & Lough Lannagh Holiday Village Castlebar, Rehins Wood Carpark, Turlough Village.
Solid Surface, either tarred or compacted
Walking Shoes, Raingear, Helmet, Hybrid or Mountain Bike and Helmet, Mobile Phone, Snacks and Fluid.
Lough Lannagh Holiday Village, National Museum of Ireland Country Life and Turlough Village.
Great Western Greenway – Castlebar Network
When walking or cycling it is important to think of your own safety and also the safety of others. Always be courteous and respectful to other cyclists, walkers and possible drivers along county road sections.
Minimum Gear: Walking shoes, bike mobile phone, snacks, fluids and waterproofs. Always wear a helmet when cycling. It is recommended that either a hybrid or mountain bike be used on this trail. Whether on or off road, always ensure your bike is in good working order.
- Be familiar with the Rules of the Road as they apply to walkers and cyclists.
- Maximise your visibility – wear bright clothing, fit lights to your bike and use them at night and wear clothing with reflective strips.
- Be alert and don’t wear earphones.
- Cycle decisively and clearly indicate your intentions to other route/road users.
- Take care at Junctions
- Think ahead and anticipate walkers and drivers actions.
- Walk/ Cycle well clear of the road edge or kerb – debris and drains are a hazard.
- When cycling in a group always warn cyclists behind you of hazards ahead.
- Cyclists should always give way to walkers.
- Give way to pedestrians and leave plenty of room. Slow down and stop if necessary.
- Take care at junctions, bends and entrances.
- Don’t assume that other users can see or hear you – use a bell.